ACCESS XDMoD Data Catalog

The ACCESS XDMoD data catalog provides a list of information that is available in ACCESS XDMoD. The catalog contains three types of information: metrics, group bys and raw data fields. Metrics are aggregated measures of data over a time period; such as the number of jobs running, number of VMs active, total wait time for jobs, etc. Group bys are categories by which metrics can be grouped and filtered; such as a jobs field of science, its allocation, or the resource on which it ran, etc. Raw data fields are the fields that contain the unaggregated data that compose a metric; such as the start and end time for a job or cloud VM, its allocation, or the resource on which it ran, etc. Raw data is available via XDMoD's Data Analytic Framework or via the Data Export tab in the XDMoD portal.


Name Description Realm Type
Number of Unique Accounts: Created (Number of Accounts) The total number of unique users accounts created (on the specified resource) during this time period. Accounts Metric
Number of Unique Accounts: Created w/Jobs (Number of Accounts) The total number of unique user accounts created during this time period that have run at least 1 job (on the specified resource) at any time since account creation. Accounts Metric
Resource A resource is a remote computer that can run jobs. Accounts Group By
Resource Type A categorization of resources into by their general capabilities. Accounts Group By
ACCESS Credit Equivalents: Allocated (SU) The total allocated amount in ACCESS Credit Equivalents. Allocations Metric
ACCESS Credit Equivalents: Used (SU) The total amount of ACCESS Credit Equivalents charged.
The ACCESS Credit Equivalent is a measure of how much compute time was used on each resource. One ACCESS Credit Equivalent is defined as one CPU Hour on SDSC Expanse (an AMD EPYC 7742 based compute resource). The ACCESS Credit Equivalent allows comparison between usage of node-allocated, core-allocated and GPU-allocated resources. It also allows a comparison between resources with different compute power per core. The ACCESS allocations exchange calculator lists conversion rates between an ACCESS Credit Equivalent and a service unit on a resource.
Allocations Metric
Allocation Usage Rate (XD SU/Hour) The rate of allocation usage in XD SUs per hour. Allocations Metric
Allocation Usage Rate ACEs (SU/Hour) The rate of allocation usage in ACCESS Credit Equivalents per hour. Allocations Metric
CPU Core Hours: Allocated The total allocated amount in CPU core hours on the resource the allocation was made on. Allocations Metric
NUs: Allocated The total allocated amount in NUs. Allocations Metric
Number of Allocations: Active The number of allocations that are valid. There was a change in the terminology between ACCESS and XSEDE. In ACCESS terminology an allocation is the ACCESS project along with the associated resource units. The XSEDE equivalent of this is the number of resources that were on an XSEDE allocation. Allocations Metric
Number of PIs: Active The number of PIs that have active projects. There was a change in the terminology between ACCESS and XSEDE. An ACCESS Project is the equivalent of an XSEDE Allocation. Allocations Metric
Number of Projects: Active The number of projects that have active allocations. There was a change in the terminology between ACCESS and XSEDE. An ACCESS Project is the equivalent of an XSEDE Allocation. Allocations Metric
XD SUs: Allocated The total allocated amount in XD SUs. Allocations Metric
XD SUs: Used The total amount of XD SUs used by jobs.
XD SU: 1 XSEDE SU is defined as one CPU-hour on a Phase-1 DTF cluster.
SU - Service Units: Computational resources on the XSEDE are allocated and charged in service units (SUs). SUs are defined locally on each system, with conversion factors among systems based on HPL benchmark results.
Current TeraGrid supercomputers have complex multi-core and memory hierarchies. Each resource has a specific configuration that determines the number (N) of cores that can be dedicated to a job without slowing the code (and other user and system codes). Each resource defines for its system the minimum number of SUs charged for a job running in the default batch queue, calculated as wallclock runtime multiplied by N. Minimum charges may apply.
Note: The actual charge will depend on the specific requirements of the job (e.g., the mapping of the cores across the machine, or the priority you wish to obtain).
Note 2: The SUs shown here have been normalized against the XSEDE Roaming service. Therefore they are comparable across resources.
Allocations Metric
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